


Selasa, 27 November 2012

Khotbah tentang 1 dari 20

It is a solemn statement that I make to the church, that not one in twenty whose names are registered upon the church books are prepared to close their earthly history, and would be as verily without God and without hope in the world as the common sinner. They are professedly serving God, but they are more earnestly serving mammon. This half-and-half work is a constant denying of Christ, rather than a confessing of Christ. So many have brought into the church their own unsubdued spirit, unrefined; their spiritual taste is perverted by their own immoral, debasing corruptions, symbolizing the world in spirit, in heart, in purpose, confirming themselves in lustful practices, and are full of deception through and through in their professed Christian life. Living as sinners, claiming to be Christians! Those who claim to be Christians and will confess Christ should come out from among them and touch not the unclean thing, and be separate.... {ChS 41.1}
Bahwa tidak satu dari 20 nama yang terdaftar dalam buku gereja siap untuk menutup sejarah mereka di dunia, dan menjadi tanpa Allah dan tanpa harapan di dunia sebagai orang berdosa biasaMereka mengakui  melayani Allah tapi bersungguh-sungguh melayani mamon. Pekerjaan yang setengah-setengah ini adalah menolak Kristus secara konstan. (ChS, 41)

Thus will the physicians of the Health Institute have their efforts treated. But if, in their labor to help suffering humanity, one out of twenty makes a right use of the benefits received and appreciates their efforts in his behalf, the physicians should feel grateful and satisfied. If one life out of ten is saved, and one soul out of one hundred is saved in the kingdom of God, all connected with the Institute will be amply repaid for all their efforts. All their anxiety and care will not be wholly lost. If the King of glory, the Majesty of heaven, worked for suffering humanity, and so few appreciated His divine aid, the physicians and helpers at the Institute should blush to complain if their feeble efforts are not appreciated by all and seem to be thrown away on some.... {CH 349.2}
The young want just what they have not; namely, religion. Nothing can take the place of this. Profession alone is nothing. Names are registered upon the church-books upon earth, but not in the book of life. I saw that there is not one in twenty of the youth who knows what experimental religion is. They serve themselves, and yet profess to be servants of Christ; but unless the spell which is upon them be broken, they will soon realize that the portion of the transgressor is theirs. As for self-denial or sacrifice for the truth’s sake, they have found an easier way above it all. As for the earnest pleading with tears and strong cries to God for His pardoning grace, and for strength from Him to resist the temptations of Satan, they have found it unnecessary to be so earnest and zealous; they can get along well without it. Christ, the King of glory, went often alone to the mountains and desert places to pour out His soul’s request to His Father; but sinful man, in whom is no strength, thinks he can live without so much prayer.—Testimonies for the Church 1:503-505. {MYP 383.3}
Nama-nama orang muda terdaftar di buku gereja di bumi tetapi tidak terdaftar di buku sorga. Saya melihat bahwa tidak ada 1 dari 20 orang muda yang mengetahui apa itu pengalaman keagamaanMereka melayani diri sendiri, namun masih mengaku sebagai pelayan-pelayan KristusKecuali mereka sadar akan kesalahan mereka dan menyadari  pelanggaran milik mereka. (MYP 383.3)
Divine knowledge may become human knowledge. Every minister should study closely the manner of Christ’s teaching. They must take in His lessons. There is not one in twenty who knows the beauty, the real essence, of Christ’s ministry. They are to find it out. Then they will become partakers of the rich fruit of His teachings. They will weave them so fully into their own life and practice that the ideas and principles that Christ brought into His lessons will be brought into their teaching. The truth will blossom and bear the noblest kind of fruit. And the worker’s own heart will be warmed; yea it will burn with the vivifying spiritual life which they infuse into the minds of others.— Manuscript 104, 1898.
The Testimony of the Judiciary—The relation of crime to intemperance is well understood by men who have to deal with those who transgress the laws of the land. In the words of a Philadelphia judge: “We can trace four fifths of the crimes that are committed to the influence of rum. There is not one case in twenty where a man is tried for his life, in which rum is not the direct or indirect cause of the murder. Rum and blood, I mean the shedding of blood, go hand in hand.”—Drunkenness and Crime, 7. {Te 23.2}
Another reason which I offer as an apology for calling attention again to the subject of dress is that not one in twenty of the sisters who profess to believe the Testimonies has taken the first step in the dress reform. It may be said that Sister White generally wears her dresses in public longer than the dress she recommends to others. To this I reply, When I visit a place to speak to the people where the subject is new and prejudice exists, I think it best to be careful and not close the ears of the people by wearing a dress which would be objectionable to them. But after bringing the subject before them and fully explaining my position, I then appear before them in the reform dress, illustrative of my teachings. {1T 465.2
Bahwa tidak satu dari 20 saudari2 yang mengaku percaya Testimonies sudah mengambil langkah pertama dalam reformasi  pakaian.
Yet there is not one young man or young woman in twenty professing the present truth who heeds these Bible teachings. The youth do not read the word of God enough to know its claims upon them; and yet these truths will judge them in the great day of God, when young and old will be rewarded according to the deeds done in the body. {1T 498.1}
Tidak ada 1 orang muda/i dari 20 yang mengaku “Present Truth” memperhatikan/mengindahkan Ajaran-ajaran Alkitab iniOrang2 muda tsb tidak membaca Firman Allah cukup untuk mengetahui apa yang ada didalamnya; sehingga kebenaran2 ini akan mengadilinya pada  hari besar Allah , ketika mereka akan diberikan upah sesuai perbuatan mereka pada tubuh mereka.
(1T 498.1)
There is not one young person in twenty who has experienced in his life that separation from the world which the Lord requires of all who would become members of His family, children of the heavenly King. “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”
{1T 510.1}
Tidak 1 orang muda dari 20 yang sudah mengalami dalam hidupnya bahwa perpisahan dari dunia yang Tuhan minta kepada semua anggota keluargaNYA, adalah anak2 Raja Sorgawi.
I know of no church that in acts of benevolence and general duty do so well. I present the frightful facts in this case to arouse our people everywhere to a sense of their duty. Not one in twenty of those who have a good standing with Seventh-day Adventists is living out the self-sacrificing principles of the word of God. But let not their enemies, who are destitute of the first principles of the doctrine of Christ, take advantage of the fact that they are reproved. This is evidence that they are the children of the Lord. Those who are without chastisement, says the apostle, are bastards and not sons. Then let not these illegitimate children boast over the lawful sons and daughters of the Almighty.
{1T 632.2}
Tidak 1 dari 20 yang memiliki satu pendirian yang baik dengan anggota MAHK sementara hidup diluar dari prinsip2 pengorbanan diri dari Firman Allah.
There is a vast amount of rubbish brought forward by professed believers in Christ, which blocks up the way to the cross. Notwithstanding all this, there are some who are so deeply convicted that they will come through every discouragement and will surmount every obstacle in order to gain the truth. But had the believers in the truth purified their minds by obeying it, had they felt the importance of knowledge and of refinement of manners in Christ’s work, where one soul has been saved there might have been twenty.
{4T 68.2
Jika umat percaya disucikan oleh kebenaran dalam pikiran dan penurutan, dan bekerja sesuai pola yang Kristus ajarkan, maka 1 jiwa yang sekarang diselamatkan seharusnya ada 20 yang diselamatkan.
Workers are needed all over the world. The truth of God is to be carried to foreign lands, that those in darkness may be enlightened by it. God requires that a zeal be shown in this direction infinitely greater than has hitherto been manifested. As a people, we are almost paralyzed. We are not doing one-twentieth part of the good we might, because selfishness prevails to a large extent among us. Cultivated intellect is now needed in the cause of God, for novices cannot do the work acceptably. God has devised our college as an instrumentality for developing workers of whom He will not be ashamed. The height man may reach by proper culture has not hitherto been realized. We have among us more than an average of men of ability. If their talents were brought into use, we should have twenty ministers where we now have one.
{4T 426.1}
Jika talenta dibawa dan digunakan dengan semestinya, maka seharusnya sekarang ini kita memiliki 20 pendeta dimana sekarang Cuma ada 1.
Professors and teachers have not understood the design of the college. We have put in means and thought and labor to make it what God would have it. The will and judgment of those who are almost wholly ignorant of the way in which God has led us as a people, should not have a controlling influence in that college. The Lord has repeatedly shown that we should not pattern after the popular schools. Ministers of other denominations spend years in obtaining an education. Our young men must obtain theirs in a short time. Where there is now one minister, there should be twenty whom our college had prepared with God’s help to enter the gospel field
dimana sekarang ada 1 pendeta, seharusnya ada 20 yang sudah dipersiapkan di Perguruan Tinggi kita dengan pertolongan Allah untuk memasuki ladang Injil.
The Lord of the vineyard is saying to many women who are now doing nothing, “Why stand ye here all the day idle?” They may be instruments of righteousness, rendering holy service. It was Mary who first preached a risen Jesus; and the refining, softening influence of Christian women is needed in the great work of preaching the truth now. If there were twenty women where now there is one who would make the saving of souls their cherished work, we should see many more converted to the truth. Zealous and continued diligence in the cause of God would be wholly successful, and would astonish them with its results. The work must be accomplished through patience and perseverance, and in this is manifested the real devotion to God. He calls for deeds, and not words only.
{WM 146.2}
Jika ada 20 wanita dimana sekarang Cuma 1 yang bekerja menyelamatkan jiwa dengan gembira, seharusnya kita melihat lebih banyak orang yang bertobat kepada kebenaran.
The time is not far off when the people of God will be called upon to give their testimony before the rulers of the earth. Not one in twenty has a realization of what rapid strides we are making toward the great crisis in our history.... There is no time for vanity, for trifling, for engaging the mind in unimportant matters.
{Mar 253.2)
Tidak 1 dari 20 memiliki satu kesadaran akan betapa cepatnya pergerakan kita menuju krisis besar dalam sejarah kita
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.... And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vainglory, provoking one another, envying one another.” There are lessons of the highest importance that not one in twenty of those who claim to be children of God have yet learned. Shall not we learn them before our destiny is forever settled? Shall we cherish and cultivate the very thing which Satan originated in heaven, which resulted in his fall, and which through his temptations has successfully accomplished the fall of thousands and thousands? Shall we separate ourselves from God, and take the enemy’s side? Professed believers in the truth are doing this. When circumstances arise to tempt them, they do not resist temptation, but fall an easy prey to the Devil. That which individuals need is practical godliness. This is the only antidote for the snares of the Devil.
{RH June 28, 1887, par. 2}
Tidak 1 dari 20 yang mengaku anak2 Allah, sudah mempelajari nasib kekal mereka adalah pelajaran yang tertinggi dan penting.
Since coming to this country, I have made inquiries concerning the condition of animals that are killed for the market, and I have learned that whole herds were slaughtered when not more than one in twenty were without disease. Pulmonary diseases, cancers, and tumors, are startlingly common among animals. It is true that the inspectors rejected many of the cattle that were thus diseased, but many were passed on to the market that ought to have been refused. Inspectors and herdsmen, I am told, have entered into confederacy in this matter. Some inspectors say, “This herd or this flock will pass. Leave me this or that sheep, or this or that steer.” Thus unwholesome flesh has gone on to the markets for human consumption.
{14MR 326.1}
Kondisi binatang2 yang dibunuh di pasaran, yaitu hewan2 ternak yang disembelih, tidak satu dari 20 yang bebas dari penyakit paru2, kanker, tumor, ….
Pekabaran-pekabaran khidmat yang telah diberikan secara teratur dalam buku Wahyu pertama-tama harus mendapat tempat dalam pikiran umat Allah…  Pada seluruh isi buku Wahyu terdapat janji-janji yang paling indah dan mengangkat martabat, dan terdapat juga amaran-amaran sebagai perkara khidmat yang paling mengerikanDisini tidak ada pekerjaan yang ditebak-tebak, tidak ada penipuan secara ilmiahDisinilah kebenaran yang menunjukkan kesejahteraan kita sekarang dan waktu yang akan datangApa artinya sekam pada gandum?..Dengan kesaksian Alkitab hal-hal ini akan menunjuk si penipu dalam penyamarannyaBagi semua orang masa ujian akan datangDengan menyaring pencobaan orang Kristen yang tulen akan kentara.”
Akan terjadi reformasi-reformasi palsu yang akan menyapu ribuan orang; akan terjadi keduniawian yang besar dan akan ada orang-orang yang “mengeluh dan berseruatas keadaan gereja seperti yang dilihat oleh Tuhan, dan mereka akan menegur dan memperingatkan dantidak akan berdiam diri agar diterima oleh banyak orang. “Mereka inilah orang-orang yang akan dimeteraikanKendati mereka berusaha secara tulus, mereka akan tidak berdaya untuk menghentikan arus deras kejahatan.”
Inilah perkataan Setan: “Undang-undang manusia akan dibuat sedemikian ketatnya sehingga laki-laki dan perempuan tidak akan berani lagi memelihara Sabat hari yang ketujuhKarena merasa takut akan kebutuhan makanan dan pakaian, mereka akan bergabung dengan dunia dalam melanggar hukum Allah. (PK 183-184)
Hari Sabat akan menjadi ujian besar terhadap kesetiaan, karena itulah titik kebenaran yang teristimewa dipertentangkanBilamana ujian terakhir akan dihadapkan kepada manusia, maka garis pemisah akan ditarik antara mereka yang berbakti kepada Allah dan mereka yang tidak berbakti kepadanya. (Kemenangan Akhir, 605)
Perkataan Setan
Saya akan mempengaruhi pendeta-pendeta yang terkenal untuk mengalihkan mereka dari hukum-hukum Allah…prinsip kita yang terutama adalah membungkam golongan yang memelihara Sabat.  Kita harus menggerakkan kemarahan umum untuk melawan mereka.  Kita akan mendaftarkan orang-orang besar dan pintar di dunia di pihak kita, dan mempengaruhi mereka yang berkuasa untuk menjalankan rencana kitaBilamana kematian akan dijadikan hukuman terhadap pelanggaran hari sabat kita, maka banyak yang sekarang menjajarkan diri mereka dengan pemelihara hukum akan menyeberang di pihak kita.
Tetapi sebelum melangkah lebih jauh..kita harus menjerat mereka yang menghormati hari Sabat Yang Benar. Kita dapat menceraikan banyak orang dari Kristus dengan perkara duniawi, hawa nafsu dan kecongkakan.  Mereka boleh merasa diri aman sebab mereka mempercayai kebenaran, tapi memanjakan selera atau nafsu2 rendah, yang akan mengacaukan pertimbangan dan membinasakan akan sehat, yang akan menyebabkan kejatuhan mereka.”
5 TESTIMONIES, 79 dan 211
Karena MAYORITAS bergabung di dalam KEMURTADAN yang menyeluruh dan menolak untuk mendengarkan teguran-teguranMereka ini akan dihakimi secara salah dan dikutuk dandicambukoleh orang-orang yang memiliki kedudukan-kedudukan dengan tanggung jawab.”
Penjaga-penjaga minat-minat kerohanian umat yang telah mengkhianati kepercayaan mereka.”
5 T, 80-81;463
“..Dimana tidak ada PENDETA-PENDETA yang setia dan dimana GEMBALA-GEMBALA itutidak benar, TUHAN sendiri akan menggembalakan kawananNya.
Tuhan memiliki hamba-hamba yang setia yang di dalam masa ujian yang menggoncangkan akan disembunyikan dari pandanganMereka adalah orang-orang yang berharga yang sekarang disembunyikan, karena PARA PEMIMPIN telah berusaha untuk menghapus hubungan mereka dan juga pengaruh mereka dari umat.”
Orang-orang yang telah ditarik ke dalam kemurtadan melalui proses waktu, dan yang bangkit melawan kesaksian yang lurus akan menjauh dari kawanan jemaat ketika aniaya dari dunia menjadi pahit melalui pemberlakuan hukum-hukum Hari MingguPada waktu ini emas akan dipisahkan dari sampah di dalam jemaat.”– Testimonies, 5, 81
Ini akan memurnikan dan membersihkan jemaat darisampahnyadan membuka jalan bagi hujan akhirNamun sekarang kemuakan Tuhan terdapat pada umatNya, dan IA tidak akan menyatakan kuasaNYA di tengah-tengah mereka sementara dosa masih ada diantara mereka dan dipelihara oleh orang-orang yang berada dalam kedudukan yang bertanggung jawab.”– Testimonies, 5, 270
Satu-satunya pengharapan bagi Laodekia agar dapat selamat, mereka harus menyadari dan dapat melihat dengan jelas akan keadaan mereka yang sebenarnya dihadapan Allah dan mengetahui keadaan penyakit rohani yang dideritanya.”
Tulisan2 Permulaan, 108
Saya melihat bahwa kalau ada orang yang  berpegang pada hartanya dan tidak bertanya kepada Tuhan apa kewajibannya, maka Tuhan tidak akan memberitahukan kewajiban itu, dan mereka akan dibiarkan menyimpan hartanyal, dan pada masa kesukaran harta itu akan muncul di hadapan mereka bagaikan sebuah gunung yang hendak menimpa mereka, lalu mereka akan berusaha untuk menggunakannya, tetapi tidak dapat digunakan lagiSaya mendengar ada yang menangis begini: “Pekerjaan sedang tersendat-sendat, umat Allah sedang lapar akan kebenaran, sedangkan kita tidak berusaha untuk memenuhi kekurangan; sekarang harta kita tak ada gunanyaAduh, sekiranya kita telah menyumbangkannya, dan menyimpan harta di surga!”
Tulisan2 Permulaan, 109
Saya melihat bahwa pekabaran, “juallah yang ada padamu dan berilah sedekah,” belum diajarkan oleh beberapa orang di dalam terangnya yang nyata, dan tujuan perkataan Juruselamat belum diajarkan dengan jelasTujuan menjual bukanlah memberi kepada mereka yang mampu bekerja dan membiayai diri mereka sendiri, tetapi untuk menyebarkan kebenaranAdalah suatu dosa membiayai dan memanjakan dengan enaknya mereka yang sanggup bekerja sendiriAda yang rajin menghadiri semua perkumpulan, bukan untuk memuliakan Allah , tetapi oleh karenanasi dan ikan.”  Orang tersebut lebih baik tinggal di rumah dan mengerjakan dengan tangan mereka, “perkara yang baik,” untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga mereka supaya ada sesuatu yang dapat diberikan untuk menunjang pekerjaan kebenaran masa kini yang indah ituSekaranglah waktunya untuk menyimpan harta di surga dan menyediakan hati kita dengan tertib, siap menghadapi masa kesukaran.

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